Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Do You feel insecure, anxious, and doubtful about your body image?

We are two college students who experienced the struggles and peer pressure of social media and the way media portrays the perfect body image.

We are focusing on the way women, ages 13-20 view themselves and how media portrays them. We are focusing primarily on your physical appearance, how you feel about yourself, and how you should present yourself, also the dangers of eating disorders women go through to achieve the perfect body image. We picked ages 13-20 because we feel that these ages are where women are pressured most about their appearance and your bodies.

We would like to make awareness to this age group about how media and society portrays them both physically and mentally about their body image. In today’s media, women are viewed as sex objects and are being forced to spend increased attention on their bodies, because of the way they appear. We would like to inform women about the issues that they encounter every day and how media and society influences and impacts their decisions. 

We look forward to making a difference on the way you feel about your bodies. We are excited to hear about your personal experiences and thoughts about women's bodies. 

Thank you,
Erin and Keri  

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